Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Unavoidable First Post

Oh my, how long has it been?  Blogger, how I've missed thee!  

Let me introduce myself:  My name is Jacob Thrasher.  I used to blog under the pseudonym of "NeoFascist?", and some people knew me as Neo.  I was a very right-wing, homeschooled political blogger.  For the most part, anyway. 

My views on so many things began changing rapidly a while back, and I realized that my old blog didn't really reflect my current self.  So, in a move that I had wanted to make ever since I started blogging, I went and got a new blog:  A Typepad blog.  Cost me a hundred dollars, it did, and I probably didn't post more than thirty times.  My subscription has since run out, and I don't have the money to re-subscribe right now, so I have decided to move my blog home back here, at least for the time being.  

As for me, there are a few things you should know.  I am a political libertarian, and an Emerging (not Emergent) Christian.  I'm a philosophical compatibilist, which means I believe God's predetermination and man's free will are not mutually exclusive, but if you really wanna pigeonhole me, I won't shy away from being called a Calvinist.  

I miss blogging.  I hope I can start back.  I've got a lot I need to write out, for my own sake and for other people's (mostly about religion, but I'm sure some politics will jump in here or there), so here's hoping that I won't abandon this poor little blog like I did the last website unfortunate enough to be named "Quicksilver Commentary."

Catch you later!